✊Let's create a simple web server on node Js, which responds on Get method. Step: 1 Install Node if you haven't yet according to you os platform. node Install npm globally. npm install -g Verify the version of node and npm to check proper installations. Step: 2 Open your favourite editor, am using vs code, and create "server.js" file. Step: 3 We need http module to create http web server, so require the module as below. const { createServer } = require ( ' http ' ) ; const PORT = ' 3080 ' | process . env . PORT ; createServer ( ( req , res ) => { res . end ( ' welcome to node server! ' ) } ) . listen (PORT , () => { console . log ( ' server running on port 3080 ' ) } ) Step: 4 Create dynamic Port value from the process or static value if it runs in local env and listen the server on that port using listen method. Step: 5 Create server instance as "createServer" and handle the req and responses ...